War in the North For PC CIB w/ Case, Code, Insert. Gondor Ranger Code: LG5GI7 The ranger will be standing alone in the ruins on the East. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lord of the Rings: War in the North PC, 2011 LOTR Complete W/ Case & Manual at the best online prices at eBay. Movies in LEGO form - Experience the creative genius of the LotR series in mini-figures characters, who are using the same lines from the films to enhance the gameplay. Can be unlocked via either of the two story missions, Taming Gollum (Seventh Mission) or Osgiliath (Twelfth). Palantir - Exploit the powers of the seeing stone, or Palantir, and move through multiple levels of the story with just a click of the mouse. Battle your way through the lands filled with orks, witches, the Balrog, and many more fantastical creatures. Exploration - Middle Earth is a legendary place of fantasy and mysteries. Explore the wonders of Middle Earth, solve the puzzles on your way, overcome dangerous foes and throw the ring of power where it belongs. It’s the same legendary tale, but told with the help of the famous LEGO figures. Hobbit friends also join Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. But the path is treacherous, and the villains who want the ring aren’t going to make his quest easy.Ī fellowship of the ring is formed, composed of Aragon, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, and Boromir.

He leaves the tranquil Hobbiton and quests through the land towards Mount Doom, in an attempt to forever dispel the ring. Experience the LEGO The Lord of the Rings heroes come to life in an all new way with the minifig characters delivering the dialogue from the films. Frodo has the deadly task of destroying the all-powerful ring which threatens Middle Earth. LEGOLordoftheRings CodesClick 'SHOW MORE' below to see all codesThese are all the Red Brick Extras cheat codes available for LEGO Lord of the Rings (2012.